You can read Colne’s Neighbourhood Plan, and its supporting evidence base, on this page and on the subpages of the Neighbourhood Plan section of this website.

Meeting regularly, the Advisory Committee is formed from ward councillors and other stakeholders. Both the Waterside Neighbourhood Action Group and Lidgett & Beyond have been involved during the six years during which the Plan has been developed.  The made Plan will be regularly reviewed and the Advisory Committee welcomes new co-optees from the community.

Neighbourhood Planning was introduced in 2011 through the Localism Act. It allows local residents and businesses to have their own planning policies in a Neighbourhood Plan that reflects their priorities, delivers tangible local benefits and has real weight in planning decisions.  Across England, many different communities have embraced Neighbourhood Planning. Colne’s Neighbourhood Plan is the fourth in Pendle and thought to be the biggest in the North of England. 

In very simple terms, a Neighbourhood Plan is: A document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area. Planning policies are used to decide whether to approve planning applications. They are written by the local community, the people who know and love the area, rather than the Local Planning Authority.  Neighbourhood Plans are a powerful tool to ensure the community gets the right types of development, in the right places.

Press on the poster representing the policy area that most interests you to discover in more detail.

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