At this morning’s Treasure Our Town session we were joined by volunteers including some of our town councillors and Pick Up for Pendle so thank you for all your help, literally pushing on through the rain and shine!
We were also joined by a fabulous group of children from West Street Community Primary School. A huge shoutout to these children because each time they join us they word hard, they are impeccably behaved and are a real credit to their school and parents! West Street Community Primary School really do care about our environment and helping to treasure our town so it is always a pleasure when they join us.
During the session which focused on the Patten Street area, we collected another HUGE mound of rubbish and once again some larger dumped items. It is shocking to think that this amount of rubbish was collected in just one hour…

In this area we also noticed so much broken glass which we struggled to pick up safely. Unfortunately even with the adults picking up glass using their gloves (as it wasn’t safe for the children) we still couldn’t clear much due to the sheer volume of it. It is such a shame because broken glass is so unsafe – not only for the children playing in the area but also pets and wildlife.
We also spotted and recorded the following which will be reported:
– Fly-tipping
Our next session will take place on Wednesday 3rd of July with more details to be posted on our FB page nearer the time.