Closing Date 1st March 2019

You are invited to quote for services as a detailed below to enable Colne Town Council to deliver the Marketing and PR requirements associated with this event. 

Attached to this brief is copy of last years programme in order to provide a quick overview of how this has previously been promoted and detailed below is an overview of the event by way of more context. 

PR Brief for CGP 2019



We are looking for innovative and cost effective delivery and to not only drive visitors to the event but also to provide for our sponsors value for money. 

An indicative price of £1000 is provided for this work in order for prospective providers to be aware that this is the approximate level of previous provision costs incurred. This a high profile event but is for the right proposition flexible in pricing but within reason given this event is a single evening event and has significant cost already attached to it. 

It does however present an opportunity for a proactive PR concern to develop potentially an ongoing relationship with a small Town Council that runs a number of significant events already and may in the future increase further in size. 

If on receipt of this invitation you wish to submit a detailed proposal advising of how you would take this forward then please email this direct to Naomi Crewe [email protected] 

Notes:- Specific parts of the package are already agreed such as appointment of graphic design, printing sources and some distribution outlets. 

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