COLNE Town Council is organising a super spooky day in the town centre on Hallowe’en on 31st October. There will be filming throughout the day to show the judges of the Great British High Street Competition what a fun day out in Colne is like. The Judges will be visiting on a Wednesday in November with the actual date still to be announced.
Chairman of Colne Town Council’s Events Committee, Cllr. Ash Sutcliffe said: “This is new event for us. Flyers have gone out to all Colne’s schools and town centre businesses because we have three fabulous competitions to be judged by local artist, Joe Hesketh:
- Best Hallowe’en Fancy Dress to be judged under the Market Canopy at Noon. Enter on the day for free. Slimy and sticky seasonal prizes.
- Best Decorated Children’s Pumpkin to be displayed in our Spooky Marquee at the entrance to the Library.
Judging is at 1 p.m., with prizes awarded at 1.30 p.m. Free to enter, but you must register with our Clerk (01282 861888) by 5 p.m. on 29th October.
- Best Shop Window Display Free to enter, but registration with our Clerk must be complete by 5 p.m. on 29th October.
“We’d like to get the whole town caught up in the theme. After all, as we sit in shadow of Pendle Hill, so we can claim to be the home of witches and it’d be great to attract a few down off their broomsticks for Hallowe’en in Colne!”
Colne Town Council has laid on numerous town centre attractions throughout the day:
- Ghoulish Terrifying Tales told throughout the Day In The Library, Colne’s Bookshop and Shackleton Hall
- Free themed helium balloons from noon
- Free Spooky Seasonal Soup made by Ghostly Gill Watson under the Market Canopy
- Fantastic Free Frightening Face Painting
- Seasonal Food stalls featuring Gloopy Treacle Toffee, Frightening Cupcakes, Glorious Toffee Apples, Pesky Pie and Peas, Haunted Parkin and Spicy Indian Bites.
- A DJ spinning scary discs under the Market canopy
- Creepy Colne Town Council Marquee decorated by Poppy Red outside the Library, lit by Colne’s creepy competition pumpkins.
- Mysterious mask making with Val and Maureen in The Market
Chairman of Colne Town Council, Cllr. Sarah Cockburn-Price, commented: “We have got off to a disappointing start with the public vote of the Great British High Street Final, as we are lying third behind Chipping Norton and Helmsley. I really hope people are cajoling their family and friends to vote online daily from each e-mail address right up until the deadline of 6th November. This new Hallowe’en event is another opportunity to have some seasonal fun and show the judges that in Colne the community comes together to make it the special place it is.”