
After the most successful year in Colne for events ever in 2014, Colne Town Council’s Events Committee plans to top them in 2015.

The Committee has met to discuss its events’ schedule and has decided to offer help to other groups who stage events, concerts, galas, parades and markets. Events Committee Chair, Cllr. Dorothy Lord said: “We would like to help other volunteer groups. We can give them profile on our web site: www.new.colnetowncouncil.org.uk and we welcome them to our meetings to share know-how and contacts. We have great events of our own planned for this year, but we thought it would be great to support other happenings in our vibrant little town. If you think we can help, please contact us.”

The first event the Committee has planned is for Easter Saturday, 4th April. This will be a traditional Easter celebration. Cllr. Sarah Cockburn-Price explained: “A Colne Easter will be a nostalgic day of Easter themed celebrations, including an Easter Egg Hunt throughout the town, Egg Painting, Donkey Rides, traditional entertainments and host of surprises!”

Later in the year, the Committee is staging its first ever Festival, centred on GreenRock, over the weekend of 5th-6th September. Council Leader, Joe Cooney, said: “These are our most audacious plans ever. It is too soon to share the details while we still have many things that we need to slot into place, but we are confident Colne hasn’t seen anything like this!”

Following on from last year’s combined Christmas in Colne Event and Food Festival, the Committee plans to host a similar, but larger scale version, this year on 28th November.

Representatives from Colne’s Town Centre Forum welcomed the events programme for 2015. Graham Wharton, Chairman of the Forum, commented: “We recognise that a busy town is a successful town. We’d like to stage more markets throughout the year and we thank Colne Town Council for the effort it puts in organising these events.”

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