135092814943739.IwEhRA1SQb4BEBHzrA4d_height640The afternoon of 20th May saw the Colne Open Gate Open Day. Open Gate is an initiative run on some of our Allotment plots on Castle Road.  It’s a community growing garden project, offering social inclusion, the chance to acquire new skills, and more importantly to have fun! The team only took over the neglected allotments five months ago and has devoted many hours of back breaking effort. Many firms have donated things for free. In short, it’s a real community venture.

The sun shone and the crowds came to see the transformation. Everyone, from the elderly who remembered the old bowling club on the site to the toddlers “helping” with the watering cans, was full of admiration for what has been achieved.

Our chairman, Sarah C-P said: “I won vegetable and sunflower seedlings in the Tombola, enjoyed looking again at the “before” and “after” pictures, loved the flap jack and cake, had the inevitable picture with Naz Alam and Colin Bean, admired the pea pods that are Nick Alderson’s pride and joy, rootled in the impressive polytunnel and basked in the sunshine. Great work, and I look forward with anticipation to future developments!

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