OUR Allotment Committee held its AGM in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Wednesday evening (27th). After a challenging growing season, we nevertheless felt there was much to celebrate in Colne’s 123 allotments, so in addition to the AGM, a traditional pie and pea supper was served. After the hearty supper, The Northern Chairman of The National Vegetable Society, David Metcalfe, gave a fascinating talk about the challenges of Lancastrian vegetable growing.
Over 50 allotment holders, and would-be allotment holders, turned out on a bitterly cold evening to attend the Allotment Committee AGM, making it the biggest ever get together of Colne’s allotmenteers. Cllr. Jonathan Nixon, who has been chairman of the Committee since May, explained: “It was marvellous to have attracted such an attendance. Unlike other towns, our allotments are scattered all over town, so we aim to act as a forum for Colne’s greenfingered. I’d like to thank The National Vegetable Society for bringing its Roadshow and for the fascinating talk after supper, which was packed with tips. I saw some keen people were taking notes!”
Cllr Nixon delivered a speech reviewing the year and remembering the Late Maureen Arnold, the former chair of the Committee. He explained that the Committee was eager to reduce the waiting list, which currently stands at 58, leaving people waiting up to two years for a plot. The Committee is both creating new plots and being more rigorous and timely with its inspections. Our new part-time Allotment Officer, Mark Ruddy, took the opportunity to add to his schedule of allotment improvements.
Cllr. Nixon said the Committee has resolved to write to Pendle Borough Council to ask for the ownership of all the allotment land to be transferred to the Town Council.
At the Allotment Awards, last autumn, it was suggested that the Committee host a Seed and Plant Swap and Selling Event. This event, which is open to all Colners, and especially those with an interest in gardening, is to be held on 30th April, based at the Glass Box and under the Market Canopy. Once again, The National Vegetable Society will be bringing its Roadshow. The event is open to anyone who has surplus seeds, seedlings or plants to bring them along to either swap them or sell them.